材质 | 塑料、铝 |
产地 | 深圳 |
产品类别 | usb摄像头 |
传感器类型 | 3CCD |
传感器像素 | 100、130、200(dpi) |
附加功能 | 夜视功能 |
接口 | USB3.0 |
接口类型 | USB |
上市时间 | 2018 |
使用范围 | 液晶显示器 |
售后服务 | 一年保修 |
颜色 | 白色 |
重量 | 3kg |
最高分辨率 | 720P、1080P |
送礼用途 | 个人礼品 |
适用送礼场合 | 周年庆典,展销会,员工福利,生日,商务馈赠,婚庆,会议庆典 |
货源类别 | 订货 |
品牌 | galileostar |
型号 | GS |
加工定制 | 否 |
商品类型 | 全新 |
最快出货时间 | 1-3天 |
是否需要驱动 | 免驱动 |
Jane Eyre 606
“They guessed, ma’am: they guessed. Indeed, I should say it
was ascertained beyond a doubt. You are not perhaps aware,” he
continued, edging his chair a little nearer the table, and speaking
low, “that there was a lady—a—a lunatic, kept in the house?”
“I have heard something of it.”
“She was kept in very close confinement, ma’am: people even
for some years was not absolutely certain of her existence. No one
saw her: they only knew by rumour that such a person was at the
Hall; and who or what she was it was difficult to conjecture. They
said Mr. Edward had brought her from abroad, and some believed
she had been his mistress. But a queer thing happened a year
since—a very queer thing.”
I feared now to hear my own story. I endeavoured to recall him
to the main fact.
“And this lady?”
“This lady, ma’am,” he answered, “turned out to be Mr.
Rochester’s wife! The discovery was brought about in the
strangest way. There was a young lady, a governess at the Hall,
that Mr. Rochester fell in—”
“But the fire,” I suggested.
“I’m coming to that, ma’am—that Mr. Edward fell in love with.
The servants say they never saw anybody so much in love as he
was: he was after her continually. They used to watch him—
servants will, you know, ma’am—and he set store on her past
everything: for all, nobody but him thought her so very handsome.
She was a little small thing, they say, almost like a child. I never
saw her myself; but I’ve heard Leah, the house-maid, tell of her.
Leah liked her well enough. Mr. Rochester was about forty, and
this governess not twenty; and you see, when gentlemen of his age
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Jane Eyre 607
fall in love with girls, they are often like as if they were bewitched.
Well, he would marry her.”
“You shall tell me this part of the story another time,” I said;
“but now I have a particular reason for wishing to hear all about
the fire. Was it suspected that this lunatic, Mrs. Rochester, had any
hand in it?”
“You’ve hit it, ma’am: it’s quite certain that it was her, and
nobody but her, that set it going. She had a woman to take care of
her called Mrs. Poole—an able woman in her line, and very
trustworthy, but for one fault—a fault common to a deal of them
nurses and matrons—she kept a private bottle of gin by her, and
now and then took a drop over-much. It is excusable, for she had a
hard life of it: but still it was dangerous; for when Mrs. Poole was
fast asleep after the gin and water, the mad lady, who was as
cunning as a witch, would take the keys out of her pocket, let
herself out of her chamber, and go roaming about the house, doing
any wild mischief that came into her head. They say she had
nearly burnt her husband in his bed once: but I don’t know about
that. However, on this night, she set fire first to the hangings of the
room next her own, and then she got down to a lower storey, and
made her way to the chamber that had been the governess’s—(she
was like as if she knew somehow how matters had gone on, and
had a spite at her)—and she kindled the bed there; but there was
nobody sleeping in it, fortunately. The governess had run away
two months before; and for all Mr. Rochester sought her as if she
had been the most precious thing he had in the world, he never
could hear a word of her; and he grew savage—quite savage on his
disappointment: he never was a wild man, but he got dangerous
after he lost her. He would be alone, too. He sent Mrs. Fairfax, the
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housekeeper, away to her friends at a distance; but he did it
handsomely, for he settled an annuity on her for life: and she
deserved it—she was a very good woman. Miss Adèle, a ward he
had, was put to school. He broke off acquaintance with all the
gentry, and shut himself up like a hermit at the Hall.”
“What! did he not leave England?”
“Leave England? Bless you, no! He wo