材质 | 塑料、铝 |
产地 | 深圳 |
产品类别 | usb摄像头 |
传感器类型 | 3CCD |
传感器像素 | 100、130、200(dpi) |
附加功能 | 夜视功能 |
接口 | USB3.0 |
接口类型 | USB |
上市时间 | 2018 |
使用范围 | 液晶显示器 |
售后服务 | 一年保修 |
颜色 | 白色 |
重量 | 3kg |
最高分辨率 | 720P、1080P |
送礼用途 | 个人礼品 |
适用送礼场合 | 周年庆典,展销会,员工福利,生日,商务馈赠,婚庆,会议庆典 |
货源类别 | 订货 |
品牌 | galileostar |
型号 | GS |
加工定制 | 否 |
商品类型 | 全新 |
最快出货时间 | 1-3天 |
是否需要驱动 | 免驱动 |
was hoarse; his look that of a man who is just about to burst an
insufferable bond and plunge headlong into wild license. I saw
that in another moment, and with one impetus of frenzy more, I
should be able to do nothing with him. The present—the passing
second of time—was all I had in which to control and restrain
him—a movement of repulsion, flight, fear would have sealed my
doom,—and his. But I was not afraid: not in the least. I felt an
inward power; a sense of influence, which supported me. The
crisis was perilous; but not without its charm: such as the Indian,
perhaps, feels when he slips over the rapid in his canoe. I took
hold of his clenched hand, loosened the contorted fingers, and said
to him, soothingly—
“Sit down; I’ll talk to you as long as you like, and hear all you
have to say, whether reasonable or unreasonable.”
Charlotte Bront. ElecBook Classics
Jane Eyre 430
He sat down: but he did not get leave to speak directly. I had
been struggling with tears for some time: I had taken great pains
to repress them, because I knew he would not like to see me weep.
Now, however, I considered it well to let them flow as freely and as
long as they liked. If the flood annoyed him, so much the better. So
I gave way and cried heartily.
Soon I heard him earnestly entreating me to be composed. I
said I could not while he was in such a passion.
“But I am not angry, Jane: I only love you too well; and you had
steeled your little pale face with such a resolute, frozen look, I
could not endure it. Hush, now, and wipe your eyes.”
His softened voice announced that he was subdued; so I, in my
turn, became calm. Now he made an effort to rest his head on my
shoulder, but I would not permit it. Then he would draw me to
him: no.
“Jane! Jane!” he said, in such an accent of bitter sadness it
thrilled along every nerve I had; “you don’t love me, then? It was
only my station, and the rank of my wife, that you valued? Now
that you think me disqualified to become your husband, you recoil
from my touch as if I were some toad or ape.”
These words cut me: yet what could I do or I say? I ought
probably to have done or said nothing; but I was so tortured by a
sense of remorse at thus hurting his feelings, I could not control
the wish to drop balm where I had wounded.
“I do love you,” I said, “more than ever: but I must not show or
indulge the feeling: and this is the last time I must express it.”
“The last time, Jane! What! do you think you can live with me,
and see me daily, and yet, if you still love me, be always cold and
Charlotte Bront. ElecBook Classics
Jane Eyre 431
“No, sir; that I am certain I could not; and therefore I see there
is but one way: but you will be furious if I mention it.”
“Oh, mention it! If I storm, you have the art of weeping.”
“Mr. Rochester, I must leave you.”
“For how long, Jane? For a few minutes, while you smooth your
hair—which is somewhat dishevelled; and bathe your face—which
looks feverish?”
“I must leave Adèle and Thornfield. I must part with you for my
whole life: I must begin a new existence among strange faces and
strange scenes.”
“Of course: I told you you should. I pass over the madness
about parting from me. You mean you must become a part of me.
As to the new existence, it is all right: you shall yet be my wife: I
am not married. You shall be Mrs. Rochester—both virtually and
nominally. I shall keep only to you so long as you and I live. You
shall go to a place I have in the south of France: a whitewashed
villa on the shores of the Mediterranean. There you shall live a
happy, and guarded, and most innocent life. Never fear that I wish
to lure you into error—to make you my mistress. Why did you
shake your head? Jane, you must be reasonable, or in truth I shall
again become fr**c.”
His voice and hand quivered: his large nostrils dilated; his eye
blazed: still I dared to speak.
“Sir, your wife is living: that is a fact acknowledged thi